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C-Tec Conventional Panels


Eurotech Conventional CFP 2-8 Zone Fire Panel

C-TEC’s award-winning CFP conventional fire panels are LPCB certified to EN54-2/4 and offer an array of user and installer-friendly features.

Supplied in an attractive flush or surface mountable plastic enclosure, 2, 4 and 8 zone versions are available, each featuring four conventional sounder circuits, class change and alert inputs, on-board fire and fault relays and combined keypad/keyswitch entry. A wide range of engineering functions are also provided including selectable zone delays, coincidence and non-latching zone facilities. Comprehensive test and fault finding facilities are also provided.

The range includes Standard and Economy versions with optional repeaters, relay expansion cards and EN54-13 interface boards available for selected models.


Eurotech Conventional CFP Standard 2-8 Zone AlarmSense Fire Panel

Designed to work with  AlarmSense detectors, call points, sounders and beacons, C-TEC’s powerful range of LPCB-certified two-wire CFP AlarmSense fire panels are easy-to-install and very cost-effective.

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